Understanding Online Estate Auctions Versus In-Home Estate Sales

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Margie Beegle Sales
Image: Margiebeeglesales.com

Furnishing estate sale management, Margiebeeglesales.com has served clients in and around Houston, Texas, for more than two decades. With its professional team of liquidators and researchers, Margiebeeglesales.com is committed to informing its clients on the best practices in order to achieve successful estate sales.

When seeking to maximize the equity of personal property, one might consider working with a management firm that provides online estate auctions, but this option has several drawbacks when compared with an in-home estate sale.

First, many firms charge a selling fee on all items, even things as basic as Tupperware, which can both reduce the owner’s earnings and result in higher prices that discourage buyers. Second, online estate auctions often place items in indiscriminate groupings. In such cases, expensive items may appear among inexpensive items, which diminishes their perceived value. Lastly, buyers who frequent in-home estate sales tend to be willing to spend more money on goods than buyers at online estate auctions, which means it’s always best to begin to sell personal property in an in-home setting to maximize earnings.

Etiquette Tips for Estate Sale Shoppers

margie beegle sales
Margie Beegle Sales

Operating from Houston, Texas, Margiebeeglesales.com is an established estate sale management company which has successfully planned and facilitated estate sales of various sizes. The professional team of researchers, appraisers, and liquidators at Margiebeeglesales.com ensures that estate sales are safe and pleasant for those who visit the sale.

Estate sales should be enjoyable for everyone who attends. Below are some simple etiquette tips to consider when shopping at an estate sale to ensure it is a pleasant experience for all.

1. Don’t rush in. When arriving at an estate sale, avoid crowding the front entrance area in an effort to get in first. It’s also important not to block the entrance, since sale workers may need to move in and out of the house.

2. Leave the kids at home. Estate sale environments are not ideal for children, since there are many dangers for the small ones including sharp tools in the garage, large knives in the kitchen, and buyers moving heavy items.

3. Avoid shopping from the table where items are on hold. The hold table is where shoppers are permitted to store their items. Since all items on this table are considered sold, they are no longer available to buy.

4. Visit the sale on multiple days to get deals. Estate sales are often held for more than one day, and prices are reduced as the sale progresses. Therefore, good deals may become available later in the sale, making it worthwhile to visit more than once.

Don’t Overlook Household Items in Estate Sales

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Margie Beegle Sales
Image: margiebeeglesales.com

A leading estate sale company in Houston, Texas, the team at margiebeeglesales.com leverages more than 50 years of combined experience to assist the company’s clients. In addition to handling full-service estate sales, the professionals at margiebeeglesales.com send auction quality items to auction houses across the country on behalf of their clients, facilitates with partial estate sales management, and offers appraisal services. The team also works closely with clients to identify items that can bring top dollar in a sale.

Though the idea of an estate sale might bring to mind priceless antiques and paintings by old masters, experts suggest that a successful estate sale doesn’t need rare and valuable items. In fact, some of the consistently bestselling items at estate sales are everyday items that one might not even think to sell. For example, regular household items such as tools, garden implements, and even everyday kitchen supplies tend to be more efficient sellers than antique china or a set of your grandmother’s silver.

This phenomenon is a result of a changing estate sale industry in which non-essentials such as silver and china are becoming less popular. This is also a good reason to hire an estate sale company to manage your sale. Experienced estate sale professionals, such as the team at margiebeeglesales.com, pay close attention to the changing popularity of items and know how to price items for a quick, but profitable, sale.

What to Know About Buying Jewelry at an Estate Sale


The Benefits of Hiring the ‘Right’ Estate Sales Company

Margie Beegle Salespic
Margie Beegle Sales
Image: Margiebeeglesales.com

An established estate sale management and appraisal company based in Houston, Texas, Margiebeeglesales.com has over twenty years of experience in the business. Margie and Jennifer have a combined 50 years of experience handling estate sales and brokering items ranging from $1.00 to over $100,000.00. Margiebeeglesales.com has served clients with all matters concerning the appraisal and sales of estates to ensure the process is efficient and that clients receive top dollar for their items. Having an estate sale is beneficial in a number of ways.

An estate sale is ideal for clearing a house of items if you are relocating, downsizing, or taking care of the belongings of a loved one who has passed. The sale will help empty the house to prepare it for potential buyers and can generate income that can be used for renovation fees, moving costs, and final expenses, among other things.

Having an estate sale company sort through items that belonged to a family member can relieve you of the emotional burden of having to organize these items yourself, and can also save you valuable time. Further, with a combined 50 years of experience Margie and Jennifer– who is an accredited appraiser with the International Society of Appraisers–know how to property value the large range of items found in estates. With the wrong company estate values can be decimated by having items being priced to high to sell or even worse have items of great value priced too low. Also, Margiebeeglesales.com advertise and market each of their sales items to not only their email list of thousands but also advertise locally in papers and nationally thus increasing the likelihood items will not just sell but will sell for the best price possible.